Friday, June 1, 2012

Puerto Rico / Soul Sister Adventure

The week after graduation, my sister and I had ourselves a  "soul sister" adventure. What does a "soul sister" adventure look like you ask? Well, it looks like this. You travel with your favorite sister to a new place and enjoy it for all its worth. 

That is easier than it sounds. Quite frankly, my sister, Candace Rose Rardon ( is a travel writer and I was so excited to travel with her. 
What I didn't realize was, we planned it for one day after being home from my graduation. During the planning stages, I thought that would be fantastic and a fun way to celebrate. What I didn't take in to account was how sad I would be leaving my what had become to me, my "new" home, Lynchburg, VA. It had been the place where I met my best friends, my boyfriend and had an amazing church home. I learned to love that place with all my heart. So, traveling to a new place, where they speak a different language than you, a day after leaving a place that meant so much to you and leaving my boyfriend to become a long distance relationship, was a lot to handle. 

However, I was able to express this to my soul sister two days after not being myself and she was so understanding. I was very thankful for that and It made me feel more "at home." I'm not saying I was able to 'snap' out of my sadness because honestly, I wasn't. However, God was able to help me enjoy it more, and the last day especially. We went to the Rainforest (pictures at the end) and then Candace had a surprise night kayaking trip planned at the end of the day and it was amazing. 

If I had to plan it again, I would give myself more time to adjust to this "new normal" of being back in my home town and being in a long distance relationship, but, I am thankful for this trip. I saw a gorgeous part of the world God created and I got to see it with my sister. I wasn't the "happy, laughing brooke" I think my sister and I were expecting me to be, but, I am so thankful for Candace accepting me and allowing me to process this new change the way that I needed to process it. That to me, is what a "soul sister adventure" is all about, accepting each other for who they are and loving them no matter what. 

Take a peek at what I saw through my lens in Puerto Rico / A Soul Sister Adventure! 
